
Showing posts from December 30, 2012

A fallen dream: the end of commercial airships~part 3

Before and during the successful Canada trip the R-100's sister ship, the R-101, was undergoing modifications at the insistence of the Scheme's designer Lord Thomson. The technical reason for this overhaul was because, without another gas bay, the planned counterpart to the R-100's flight across the Atlantic, a flight to Karachi, then part of India, could not take place. However, there were darker reasons behind the extension. The R-101 was pushed to service to fulfill the political ambition of Thomson who - as an international politician and a good friend of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain - saw himself as the ideal candidate to be the next Viceroy of India. The flight of the R-101 would have been a spectacular publicity coup not only by bringing technology to what was thought to be a backwards nation, but by also giving Lord Thomson plenty of camera time in the newsreel speeches he was expected to give. The ship departed the mast at Cardington with extra me...

Airshipmodeler is back Online!

I've been recently notified by Jim the Junkster (of the blog Jims Junk) that Airshipmodeler is-albeit slightly below full operation-online. As many of you know; the [fantastic] forum was attacked by malware sometime back in October of 2012 and has been down up to now. Airshipmodeler can be found at and joining is free (you do have to provide a reason for joining though.)

Link: Jims Junk

Great blog with both a review of modeling the Shenandoah, as well as a continuing project on the British H.M.A. R-34. Cheers, HENDRICK STOOPS